The Consultation

We believe that the consultation is at the heart of everything we do.

Natural Visage Aesthetics.

During the consultation we will ascertain details regarding past medical/psychiatric history, social history and cosmetic history, prescribed medications and allergies. This information is vital in deciding suitability for treatment. It is therefore important that you are as accurate as possible with the information provided. In a small number of cases we may wish to write to your GP for further information regarding your medical history prior to commencing treatment or to inform them regarding a treatment undertaken. We will seek your consent prior to doing so.

We will also ascertain your cosmetic concerns and expectations and perform an examination of the proposed treatment area in order to determine current ageing and to develop a realistic patient centred treatment plan. During the process of obtaining consent all available treatment options will be discussed including no treatment or indeed referral to another practitioner if that is what is felt to be the best course of action. Consent for emergency treatments will also be obtained prior to commencing treatment in case any emergencies arrive e.g. allergic reactions or vascular compromise. During the consenting process you will be given the opportunity to ask questions which will be answered as fully and honestly as possible.
Product choice and costs of treatment will be discussed at the initial consultation.

Your ultimate decision regarding cosmetic treatment will be respected. It is important that you understand that you can change your mind regarding treatment at any time.

Next Step

Following the initial consultation, a consent form will be signed. This is an agreement to go ahead with treatment having considered the potential positive and negative effects of cosmetic treatment including a potential impact on psychological and physical health. Following this, a treatment appointment will be booked if desired no sooner than 14 days later in order to provide a cooling off period. The purpose of the cooling off period is to enable you to consider the facts, formulate questions and to ensure that you have not been unduly influenced by advertising.

Before and after patient satisfaction questionnaires

These will be taken before and after treatment using face Q scales.

Before and after wrinkle severity assessment scores

These will be undertaken both prior to and after treatment in order to assess response to treatment.

Before and after photos

Before and after photos are a medico-legal requirement and treatment cannot take place without them. The use of photographs allows the documentation of facial features, the planning and assessment of treatment outcomes. Written consent is required for the taking and storage of photos. Additional consent is required for use of photos in presentations, lectures and for advertising purposes (this part is optional). Photos used for teaching and training and marketing will be anonymised.

Follow up appointments

Following treatment, you will be given a post treatment care leaflet with contact details should a complication arise

A follow up appointment will be arranged for 2 weeks following treatment. The purpose of this appointment is to assess outcomes and any potential complications from treatment. It is important to you to attend.

Storage of data

Your medical details, photos and consent details will be stored on Consentz, an electronic data base which is safe and secure and in line with GDPR. It is really important that we maintain detailed notes in order to enable us to provide safe and effective care, to assess outcomes of treatment, provide continuity of care and for medico-legal purposes.

For more information on data storage and Consentz, please read our privacy page.

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us.